EAS (Equipment Authorization System). A Designating Authority is a body with power to designate, monitor, suspend, remove suspension of or withdraw conformity assessment bodies (CABs) in accordance with the MRAs. The Designating Authorities must meet the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 61. Designating Authorities will in turn designate CABs, also within each country's territory, that will be empowered to approve products for conformity with the technical requirements of countries to which the equipment is exported. As used in the APEC and US/EC MRAs, "conformity assessment body" is a general term that refers to a body, which may include a third party testing laboratory or a certification body, that performs conformity assessment to specific technical regulations. A Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) is an accredited product certification body with the authority to issue Grants of Certification for compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules & Regulations. For more information about EAS, visit: